Well hi everybody. My name is Roz. Pleased to make your acquaintance! What have I got to share with you?
Well it occurred to me that I'm a little bit like an older version of Bridget Jones. I do clumsy things and get into the most ridiculous situations. It doesn't seem to be limited to me either. Those who 'hang' with me are also unfortunate enough to become affected by my propensity for clumsiness. So if you happen to know me,
unless you like a life that is shall we say rather unusual, DO keep your distance!
Although as I mentioned, I'm similar to Bridget Jones, there are two main differences between she and I.
First of all she's younger than me. I'm 50. Secondly, I'm half African which makes me of the 50/50 variety or if we want to use a fashionable term "mestiza." Or as one American lady once put it upon meeting me for the first time, "oh, you must be one of those ex-colonials!" (I'm still trying to figure out what I did aside from
being European to receive that remark but then again, it's the kind of thing that happens in my world!)
My aim is to poke fun at myself (a person needs to lighten up at 50, especially when they're still single and in a job that bores them silly) and hopefully make a few other people in my age group realize that not only are they not alone but probably nowhere near as clumsy as me! At the same time I might be tempted to make the odd comment on how I see the world. Maybe you'll identify with me and maybe you'll think I'm not just clumsy but downright crazy too! My point being, I want to have fun and if possible I want others to have fun too by reading this blog.
Enough bla-bla for today. I know I haven't said anything yet....... I'm trying to build up some suspense. Reel you in. Am I succeeding?
Watch this space!
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