Well you know about cars. I covered that last time. Now you get to hear about buses. Now it's quite possible that you might think I'm mad but honestly, I believe there's a conspiracy going on between public transport and Apple, particularly Ipod. Now why would I make a wild claim like that? I hear you ask. Well in my eyes it's simple. You have to see it this way.
Supposing you finish at your job on the hour and your bus comes at 6 minutes past. You know it will take you approximately 4 minutes to get out of the building and get to the bus stop which gives you just 2 minutes to spare. Now if by any chance that bus is early you'll miss it which means you have another 22 minutes to wait until the next one is due. Who wants to go there? NOBODY. And then let's not forget all the times the bus is late. It can turn up as many as 15 minutes after it should. Now when that happens I ask myself, is this a conspiracy? Supposing the bus that was supposed to be on time is running late? What's to stop the driver phoning the depot and saying, "hey I'm running late here, if you can contact Larry and get him to run late too we can actually pretend we're giving a service of three buses per hour when in reality we'll only be two because you can tell Mark to take the day off! " Now you might think this is far-fetched and that I'm paranoid but I can assure you that I have been standing in the main bus station and by the way, that's that flashy place with overhead protection against the rain and a huge billboard with all the due buses and the times that flash up in fancy neon lights. So what would you say if I told you that more than once I've been standing there thinking, "wow, I'm just in time, there's a bus in 3 minutes! Aren't I lucky!" and what happens then? Well I'll tell you. 4 minutes pass, then 5, then 6 and the bus doesn't make an appearance and surprisingly enough, when I next glance at the glamorous neon board my bus has done a disappearing act! That's right. It's just vanished from the table and it never appeared. Now this is where Ipod's come in. If you ask me people are just so bored with waiting for buses that they need a little distraction. In the days of the Walkman you might have thought twice about carrying a brick round with you because that's what it felt like, and oh how annoying to have to turn the tape around (no doubt any young things reading this never experienced that but I can assure you it wasn't a lot of fun). Now take the Ipod. It's slim, it manages to look really hip and cheerful, it weighs next to nothing, takes up no space at all and you can listen to songs on it till your ears drop off! It's also the best excuse you can ever have for "not noticing" other passengers might need a seat more than you do. It's like, "hey dude, sorry, I was wrapped up in my music, you get my drift?" The question is do Apple pay airlines, trains and buses? Let's face it, a significant number of people use their products as escape mechanisms in all these settings.
Are you starting to wonder if there's a link between the public transport industry and Apple too?
Love to hear your comments on this.....
More on public transport tomorrow but less of the theories and more about people!
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